About Us
About Tim and Jenny:
Tim and Jenny have been married for 32 years, they have two beautiful children and have lived in Griffith since 1992.
Tim has a Master’s in Chiropractic and a Grad Dip in Psychology and is currently studying Lifestyle Medicine. Jenny has an Education Degree in Physical Education and Mathematics and is a certified Wellness Coach. Both Jenny and Tim have completed various courses in nutrition; wellness philosophy and psychology; Christian inner healing and leadership.
Jenny Ellis
I have always seen my life’s journey as one big adventure. I love the word “Thrive” because it suggests a full life that is alive, healthy, growing, flowering, and bearing fruit. That’s why I love Thoreu’s quote about living deliberately and deeply and sucking out all the marrow of life. This has definitely been my mantra.
My personal journey hasn’t always been easy, with childhood trauma, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and severe endometriosis issues being some of my biggest challenges. However, in choosing to live a thriving life I have overcome these and other challenges. It is the lessons I have learned from the darker times in my life that have most definitely been my biggest teachers. What I have learned has become the inspiration behind why I want to help others to be overcomers rather than victims in what life throws at them.
Tim Ellis
In my 25 years as a chiropractor, it amazes me how people age so differently. One of the main lessons I’ve learned is that lifestyle is the most important predictor of good health. Those who show an attitude of gratitude, keep active, eat well, and have a strong family or support network seem to stay younger and healthier for longer.
Through Made to Thrive I’m looking forward to equipping and empowering others to find balance in their lifestyle and achieve their health and wellness goals.