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“I want to live deliberately… I want to live deep and to
suck out all the marrow of life”

Henry David Thoreau

Made to Thrive is a lifestyle wellness community that offers programmes, resources and coaching to inspire, equip and empower individuals and families to thrive in every area and season of their life.

spirit, soul, body, relationship, stewardship

We believe that to thrive we need to flourish in these five areas of our life

“The Thriving Five”

Spirit – Meaning, Morality, Destiny
Soul – Mind, Will, Emotions
Body – Eating, Moving, Resting
Relationships – Family, Friends, Community
Stewardship – Treasure, Time, Talents

So to help you on your thriving journey our website is divided into three areas...

Inspired to Thrive – Our blogs on the thriving five

Equipped to Thrive – Workshops, Events and Resources

Empowered to Thrive – Our personalised coaching program


1. We are fearfully and wonderfully made.
2. We have a design therefore we have a purpose and meaning.
3. When we live according to our design and our Designer we thrive.
4. To truly thrive we need to flourish in all five branches of our lives.
5. True health comes from up-down, inside-out. Not outside-in.
6. Thriving is not about quick fixes but developing healthy lifestyle habits.
7. A thriving life is not so much about the destination but the journey
8. Different seasons require different actions.

Some Client Love

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